The admission to the First Level Three-Year AcademicCourses (Trienni Ordinamentali)delivered at the Conservatorio is exclusively for students holding a secondaryschool-leaving certificate or any other certificate obtained abroad and dulyrecognized.
In case of remarkable capabilities and aptitudes, students shall beentitled to the admission also before obtaining these certificates, which shallbe obtained, in any case, before the end of the academic diploma course.
In order to be admitted to the courses, applicants arerequired to pass an admission test aimed at verifying the possession of thetheoretical, interpretative and/or composition skills according to theparameters of the equivalent European musical institutions. The admissionskills are specified in the regulations of each course, taking into account notonly the main subject, but also the other subjects featuring in the regulationsthemselves. The admission test is aimed at creating a list of eligiblestudents. The number of available places is identified according to theplanning that the Institution provides yearly.Should the background be incomplete, the admission“with an educational debit” is allowed. These debits shall be resolvedaccording to the procedures set out by the Academic Board within the wintersession of the first year of course. The students admitted “with an educationaldebit” shall be entitled to enroll in the second year “with a reserve”. This reserve will be canceled when the debit is resolved. Theimplementation of possible activities aimed at their recovery by theInstitution is determined by the Academic Board after consultation with thecompetent Department. The Conservatorio is not obliged to set up saidactivities.In compliance with the provisions set out in article25 of the Academic Regulations, the non-fulfillment of any additional trainingobligation (debit) is deemed an obstacle to pursue the career.The access to the admission for the First LevelThree-Year Academic Courses of students coming from Pre-Academic Coursesentails the submission of the same documents the other applicants must provide.
The admission to the Second Level Academic Courses (Biennisuperiori sperimentali) is only for students holding a first-level academiccertificate or a degree or a conservatory diploma in association with aschool-leaving certificate. The admission is also granted to students holdinganother equivalent certificate obtained abroad and recognized as suitable.These certificates shall be consistent with the selected course. According tothe provisions set out in the Regulations relating to First and Second levelcourses (article 2, paragraph 2) the applicants for the Second level who do nothold certificates consistent with the selected course shall take specificadmission tests set out by the Academic Board on a case by case basis.
In order to be admitted to the courses, applicants arerequired to pass an admission test aimed at verifying the possession of thetheoretical, interpretative and/or composition skills according to theparameters of the equivalent European musical institutions. The admissionskills are specified in the regulations of each course, taking into account notonly the main subject, also the other subjects featuring inthe regulations themselves. The admission test isaimed at creating a list of eligible students.The number of available places is identified according to the p lanningthat the Institution provides yearly.
Should the background be incomplete, the admission“with an educational debit” is allowed. These debits shall be resolvedaccording to the procedures set out by the Academic Board within the extraordinarysession of the first year of course. The students admitted “with an educationaldebit” shall be entitled to enroll in the second year “with a reserve” by 28July 2017. This reserve will be canceledwhen the debit is resolved. The implementationof possible activities aimed at theirrecovery by the Institution is determined by the Academic Board afterconsultation with the competent Department. TheConservatorio is not obliged to set up said activities.
In compliance with the provisions set out in article25 of the Academic Regulations, the non-fulfillment of any additional trainingobligation (debit) is deemed an obstacle to pursue the career.