Incoming students at 1st, 2nd or 3rd cycles (Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degrees) from Partner Institutes may apply for an Erasmus+ mobility at Conservatorio di Musica “G.B:Martini” in Bologna: applications are to be sent by e-mail to before April 15th .
Application must include:
Applications must be sent by the Erasmus+ or International Relations
office of their home Institution. Otherwise, the Home Institute can send the student's nomination by e-mail and the student can send the application by himself. The applications and the recordings will be
examined by a Commission and students will be accepted if there are available
places in the required classes.
The Erasmus+ office will send the results to the related Erasmus+ office of the incoming
applicants not later than May 31st and admitted students will be
required to give confirmation upon their acceptance not later than June 15th.
Their home Institution will receive an official acceptance letter.
Before the student's arrival a Learning Agreement must be signed by the three parties (Student - Home Institution - Receiving Institution) on OLA
leaving be sure to take with you :
On your arrival:
Ask for a registration certificate as an Erasmus+ student of Conservatoire "G.B.Martini" , it could be very useful to you in many occasions.