La masterclass di Canto e Pianoforte Progetto Master Class Erasmus+ con Vincente Romani Lòpez si svolgerà nei seguenti giorni e con i seguenti orari:
LUNEDI’ 22 MAGGIO 2017 ore 10 - 13
MARTEDI’ 23 10 MAGGIO 2017 ore 10 - 13
MERCOLEDI’ 24 11 MAGGIO 2017 ore 10 - 12
GIOVEDI 25 MAGGIO 2017 ore 10 - 14 / 16 - 18
VENERDI’ 26 MAGGIO 2017 ore 10 - 14 / 16 – 18
Vincente Romanì Lòpez his career starts with a High Music degree in the Conservatorio Superior de
Música “Padre Soler” de San Lorenzo del Escorial. Then he undertakes
studies as a Choral and orchestra conductor in the Conservatorio Superior de
Música de Rotterdam. He takes part in several choirs and different
instrumental cameras and it’s worth pointing out the ‘Dag Rotterdam duo’ with
a violoncello together with his brother Samuel. In the same way, he was on
charge of the ‘Compañía Lírica Canticorum’ where he developed a gifted
concerto training.
In 1992 he founded the Choral group ‘Cercedilla-Navacerrada’ and his has
conducted it since then. One of its best performances has been ‘Carmina
Burana’ which was set in original version for camera. They have given
concerts in many places throughout the country, such as Pontevedra, Cuenca,
Segovia, Málaga, Jaén, Logroño, Valencia, Madrid, Zaragoza, etc. There are
some concerts abroad: Church St. Maria de la Salute –Venice- in 2002; Bristol
Cathedral in 2004; Churches of San Ignacio de Loyola and Santa Ludmila -
Prage – in summer 2007-.
In 1992 he won a public competition exam to be entitled as a pianist coach for
singers, belonging to the Music and Stage Arts teaching public staff. Since
then he has worked in several High music Schools, such as Zaragoza, Madrid,
and in 2002 he got the post in the High School of Voice in Madrid.
In the meanwhile he’s undertaking his doctor degree studies at the Faculty of
Music history and Music sciences belonging to the Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid. On the other hand, he’s got a Master in ‘Creación e Interpretación
Musical’ with the dissertation on ‘La Guerra de los Gigantes’ from Sebastián
Durón (1660-1716), all within the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid. The
performance of that opera enabled to get such Master degree.
In 2010 he founded ‘Academia Antiqua’ a musical group undertaking the
performance of ‘La Guerra de los Gigantes in several venues: Madrid, Ciudad
Real, Guadalajara and Brihuega. This was to celebrate the 350th birthday
anniversary of this outstanding composer who worked for the Royal Chapel in
At present, he devotes most of his free time to prepare the doctoral
dissertation on the musical compositions of ‘El Españoleto’ -Francisco Javier
García Fajer- (1730-1809), a renowned Maestro de Capilla de la Seo de